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VisNetic MailFlow

Feature List

  • Google OAUTH2 Authentication NEW!
  • Microsoft 365 OAUTH2 Authentication
  • ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
  • Language Support
  • Shared Sessions
  • Custom Office Hours
  • Real Text Search
  • Weekly Maintenance
  • Email Verification
  • Custom Ticket Fields
  • Ticket Tracking
  • Bulk Settings
  • Ticket Linking
  • MultiMail
  • Contact Groups
  • Agent Status
  • Ticket Assignment based on Agent Status
  • Inbound Message Attachment Zipping
  • Multi Attachment Upload
  • Multi Server Licensing
  • Multiple Browser Support
  • Interface
  • Tickets
  • Standard Response Library
  • History
  • Alerts
  • Search Function
  • Ticket Categories
  • Routing Rules
  • Copy/Move/Merge
  • Ticket Notes
  • Auto Ticket Actions
  • Remote Reply Email Address
  • Custom Ticket Fields
  • Security Access Controls
  • Agent Audit
  • Reporting
  • Caller ID and Email History Pop Up Window
  • Scheduled Reports
  • Shared Address Book
  • Scheduled Auto Responses
  • Ticket Escalation Groups
  • Ticket Status
  • Outbound Email Approval
  • Scheduled Auto Messages
  • Signature Support
  • Groups
  • Auto-Responders
  • Processing Rules
  • Customizable View
  • Regular Expressions
  • Ticket Lock
  • SMTP Authentication
  • Multiple Outbound Connections
  • NT Security Integration
  • SSL Encryption
  • Prioritized Lists
  • Spell Checker
  • Load Balancing

    Support for Google OAUTH2 modern authentication adds a new level of protection to your VisNetic MailFlow Message Source and Message Destination email accounts hosted on the Google Gmail service.

    Support for Microsoft 365 OAUTH2 modern authentication adds a new level of protection to your VisNetic MailFlow Message Source and Message Destination email accounts hosted on the Microsoft 365 service.

    ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server adds addtional SQL features and secure connections utilizing the latest versions of TLS to the VisNetic MailFlow database connections.

    Support for additional character sets (charsets) which allow messages written in languages that utilize non ASCII characters (Chinese, Japanese, etc…) to be saved and replied to. Ticket and Message Subject, Message Body and Email Address Real Names include this new Language Support.

    Agent Session database synchronization allows multiple Web Servers or an IIS Web Garden to provide the Web based Agent interface. This functionality makes VisNetic MailFlow Load Balance and Cluster friendly.

    Global Office Hours have been extended to add Custom Office Hours for Message Sources, Message Destinations and Custom Routing Rules. This allows each object to process on its own schedule either during or outside custom defined Office Hours.

    Support for SQL Real Text Search has been added to Ticket Search on Message and Ticket Subject and Message Body. Ticket searches using "contains" on Subject and Body can optionally utilize this new feature, which greatly reduces the time required to perform the search. Ticket Search has also been extended to allow the search of Custom Ticket Fields.

    Database Maintenance can now be scheduled to be performed on specified days of the week, which allows for weekly maintenance in addition to daily.

    Schedule contact email addresses to be tested for validity. Invalid addresses are marked and optionally removed from Contact Groups and MyContacts or deleted from the system. Email Verification can greatly reduce undeliverable email and help keep contact records up to date.

    Improved Custom Ticket Fields allow the admin to add Select boxes that can include an unlimited number of selectable options. Checkboxes have also been added. These two new Custom Ticket Field types are in addition to the existing Text type Custom Ticket Fields.

    Place Ticket Tracking Data in the header of outbound messages instead of it being placed in the Subject or Body. This greatly improves the appearance of outbound messages and eliminates the necessity of instructing the recipient to leave the tracking data in place. The tracking data is added to the Message-Id header of all outbound messages and when those messages are responded to by the recipient the tracking data is copied to the In-Reply-To and/or References message headers. MailFlow parses the tracking data from the inbound message headers and routes the message accordingly.

    Simultaneously apply one or more configuration settings to one or more Agents, TicketBoxes, Custom Routing Rules, Message Sources or Message Destinations.

    Select multiple Tickets from a TicketBox and easily Link them with a descriptive Link Name or search for Tickets in other TicketBoxes and add them to the Link. Intuitive Ticket Status indicators let you know that a Ticket is linked and context menu shortcuts and toolbar buttons take you right to the Link to view its Tickets.

    MultiMail give Agents the ability to send the same email to multiple recipients with each recipient receiving a unique, singularly addressed message. Each message can optionally be placed in its own Ticket. When MultiMail is utilized with Contact Groups, a single outbound message with a single Contact Group as the To: address can be simultaneously sent to hundreds or even thousands of email addresses. Send notices or marketing emails to all of your customers and track their responses right in MailFlow.

    Individual Agent and Global Contact Groups. Once a group is defined simply use the Group Name during message composition and the System will do the rest, automatically adding the Group email addresses to the To: Cc: or Bcc: message fields. Not sure of the group name? Use the Contact search dialog during message composition and instruct it to "Include Groups" in the search results. Select the resulting group or groups and add them to the message. Need to know the email addresses within a particular Contact Group? Double click the group name or click the Properties toolbar button.

    Agent Status indicators, settings and Ticket assignment actions. Set your Custom Routing Rules to not assign Tickets to Agents in defined statuses. As an example, don't assign Ticket Ownership to Agent's that are in a status of Out of Office or Not Available. Define the System default for Agent to Agent Ticket Ownership Assignment based on the target Agent's status. Override the default for Administrators or Agents taking ownership of a Ticket. Agents can set their own custom status text and default login and logout status. Intuitive status indicators provide all Agents' status at a quick glance.

    MailFlow 6 includes improved Message Attachment Handling both at the time of message receipt from the mail server and during outbound message composition. Message Sources include an option to add all message attachments to a zip file if the number of attachments exceeds to the defined threshold. As an example, set the Message Source to add all attachments to a zip file if the number of attachments equals or exceeds 5. The attachments are added to the zip file and the zip file is added to the message as an attachment. Agents viewing the Inbound Message can then elect to download the single zip file instead of the individual message attachments. Organizations that regularly deal with a large number of message attachments will greatly benefit from this new feature as Agents will only have to download and extract the single Zip file instead of selecting the download location for each individual message attachment. This will save both time and bandwidth utilization. Outbound Message Attachments have been extended to include the simultaneous selection of multiple attachments to add to the message. The Agent can also select one or more files using Windows Explorer and simply drop the files on the Add Attachment button. These options are only available on Web browsers that support the feature.

    You can add one or more MailFlow Servers to your existing configuration and assign those servers to perform some of the background or user interface tasks that your existing server is presently performing. A new multi-server license is available allowing you to add additional servers to the license at a percentage of the cost of the primary server.

    Handle email from any computer - switch from your PC to your Mac to your iPad and answer all your email regardless the platform you're working from. VisNetic MailFlow supports Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari web browsers.

    Easy-to-use interface to minimize Agent training. The VisNetic MailFlow interface is browser based, but with a familiar Windows style interface. A more standard appearance makes VisNetic MailFlow easier to learn and more intuitive for Agents to use. A user's access rights determine how much information is displayed to them. Administration occurs through the same central interface, making maintenance tasks easier.

    When an email is received by VisNetic MailFlow, a new Ticket (incident) number is assigned. Through the cycle of support on that issue, the Ticket is kept alive and can be viewed by Agents, moved if necessary, or escalated to a supervisor.

    VisNetic MailFlow offers the ability to create Standard Response Libraries for Agents to use. Taking advantage of Standard Responses helps to maintain a consistent message across the entire company when speaking with clients and customers. It also helps Agents to reply quickly with accurate responses, helping to insure that a minimum number of messages are needed to resolve issues.

    Your customers will appreciate that you have all the facts when you respond to their emails. VisNetic MailFlow lets Agents instantly view the complete history of any Ticket. Should ownership be handed off to a different Agent, every message relative to that Ticket is viewable. This allows new agents to quickly bring themselves to speed about the incident, without having to ask the customer for another explanation of the issue.

    VisNetic MailFlow has the ability to automatically alert Agents based on a number of specific occurances. If a Ticket is too old, or a TicketBox has too many messages, Agents or supervisors can be notified to the situation. Agents may also create their own Alerts providing notification of new inbound messages or when a Ticket has been assigned to them, providing a new leverl of awareness and accountability.

    No more digging through your Inbox or folders to find a specific email. You don't always have an email in hand when you're looking for a particular message from a customer. Agents can use a comprehensive search engine to find tickets based on a number of criteria including; Subject, Contact Name, Email Address, Ticket Owner, TicketBox, Ticket ID, Ticket Category, Ticket State, Dates, and more.

    Tickets can be classified based on custom Ticket Categories, providing organizations with new, valuable sorting and prioritizing options. Categories may also be reported upon.

    VisNetic MailFlow allows administrators to create routing rules for all messages. Inbound messages can be automatically routed to the appropriate TicketBox or Agent based on a number of criteria, including the subject line, the "To:" address, or the text. By taking advantage of routing rules, VisNetic MailFlow can more efficiently get messages to the correct Agent without user intervention. The optional Round Robin Ticket Distribution is ideal for commissioned based leads, ensuring each Agent is receiving an equal number of opportunities as well as balancing the workload.

    Split complex tickets, or merge similar ones. The same Ticket bringing two different queries? Or a second Ticket for the same issue, from the same customer? With MailFlow, you can split, copy or merge Tickets with just a click of a button.

    Communicate with your team for better customer service. Add internal Notes to an email conversation for easy reference, for yourself or other Agents. You can even add instructions for follow-up and reassign the Ticket to another team member. Add attachments in your notes for more information. Notes are always private and never shared with your customers.

    This highly requested feature automates various actions that can be taken on Tickets. Auto Ticket Actions checks your Tickets and performs time-based activities. For example your support group leaves tickets open for 48 hours after replying, after which time the Tickets can be closed and moved to another TicketBox automatically.

    It can be inconvient to access MailFlow's interface every time you need to reply to a Ticket. MailFlow provides select Agents teh ability to reply to Tickets from any email client while having their reply added to the message thread of the Ticket.

    Custom Ticket Fields provide an additional layer of tracking and record keeping, allowing Agents and Administrators to associate such items as order numbers, customer ID records, etc., with each Ticket. Administrators can require Agents to enter the appropriate custom ticket field information in each ticket before responding, ensuring that each ticket contains the appropriate information.

    MailFlow Access Controls allow administrators to restrict access to specified system features. Securable objects include: Tickets owned by the Agent, Agent Views, Tickets is a TicketBox, Contacts, Standard Responses, Ticket Categories, and Reporting.

    Agent activities are logged and can be reported on via the reporting menu. This feature will allow an organization to more closely track Agent productivity in MailFlow and also provides a clear audit trail for management review.

    Comprehensive reporting to analyze the effectiveness of email customer service. VisNetic MailFlow offers several reporting options to gather detailed information about Tickets, Agent Activity, Average Response Time, Standard Response Usage, and more.

    MailFlow is capable of producing a pop up window when an inbound call is received, displaying the contact record of the caller, providing the Agent with immediate Caller ID and email history information of the contact before they answer a call. This feature is enabled with 3CX IP PBX for Windows and the 3CX MyPhone w/CRM Integration. It provides a new level of phone system integration, tying different forms of communication together into one common source, and allows your Agents to provide a higher level of customer service.

    Scheduled Reports allows for scheduling of Standard reports, with results optionally being sent to the Report Owner via email.

    All agents in VisNetic MailFlow have access to a shared address book that is labeled Contacts. Whenever any correspondence is sent through VisNetic MailFlow, the contact information for the message is automatically entered into the shared address book. Agents can look up contact information in this address book, such as a customer email address or phone number. The agent can also modify the information as needed.

    Automatically send email responses to Contacts based on Ticket State. The Auto Response simply sends a designated Auto Reply based on specified criteria. The Auto Response message will be added to the string of messages within the original Ticket.

    Ticket Escalation Groups allow an Agent to be set to escalate Tickets to a Group in addition to another Agent. If the Agent has a Ticket escalation recipient defined, they will find an Escalate toolbar button in the Ticket Properties dialog. Clicking this button will escalate the Ticket accordingly, effectively changing its ownership.

    MailFlow tracks the status of every Ticket so nothing gets lost. "Open" means an Agent is working on it. "Waiting Response" Tickets are awaiting a customer response. "On-Hold" commonly indicates the Agent has placed the Ticket on hold for additional research. "Closed" Tickets are considered complete.

    This feature allows you to require select Agents to have their outbound emails approved by a supervisor or group of supervisors prior to releasing the message for delivery. Ideal for Agents in training, this feature is a safeguard that allows you to oversee and collaborate on messages before they are sent. The feature allows supervisors to deliver the message after review or send it back to the Agent to make edits before sending. It also allows supervisors to enter Notes only viewable within MailFlow to assist with the editing process.

    Automatically send a message to a Contact at some point in the interaction timeline (3 days after a Ticket is closed, as example). This system provides automated follow up to inbound inquiries, and can be used to promote additional products or services, gather feedback through surveys, etc. The Auto Message System allows you to optionally create a new Ticket for the Message, while defining the Owner, Ticketbox, and Ticket Category.

    Each agent is able to create a unique signature file to be included on messages. Signature files are useful in attaching an identity to support personnel. By establishing a relationship with customers, companies are able to nurture stronger customer relations resulting in repeat business and satisfied clients. Agents and Groups may define default signatures for TicketBoxes and Ticket Categories. This feature provides the Agent a more efficient workflow, eliminating the need to change signatures based on originating TicketBox. Great for Agents monitoring multiple TicketBoxes or Multi-Domain organizations.

    Agents can be placed into Groups for administrative purposes. An entire department can be placed in a Group, and then appropriate rules can be placed on every agent in that Group from a central admin point.

    Setting up auto-responders provides customers and clients with quick confirmation that their message was received by VisNetic MailFlow, even before an Agent reads their email. Providing confirmation gives contacts confidence that their email will be handled properly.

    Processing Rules simplify inbound Message routing and work in conjunction with the Default or Custom Routing Rules and used to assign the Ticket Category based on Text Matching of the inbound message. Processing Rules are enabled on a per Custom Routing Rule basis.

    A regular expression, also referred to as RegEx provides a concise and flexible means for matching strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters.

    Since VisNetic MailFlow is built as a browser based application, it allows greater flexibility for the Agents in how they view their TicketBoxes. Multiple themes offer Agents the ability to quickly change the appearance of the MailFlow interface without changing any of the functionality.

    An Agent is prevented from opening or updating a Ticket that another Agent is working on at the same time, eliminating a duplication of effort.

    SMTP Authentication ensures that the mail server VisNetic MailFlow sends email back out through is protected from becoming a relay point. By sending an authentication message prior to delivering email, VisNetic MailFlow can identify itself as a legitimate user to a mail server. Extended authentication options further support Microsoft's "Cloud-based" iniatives.

    Multiple SMTP servers can be set up for use by VisNetic MailFlow. For each inbound account (POP3 server), a unique SMTP server can be used to send reply messages back out. By spreading the messaging demands across several servers, VisNetic MailFlow helps administrators balance network load, providing faster response time for agents and customers alike.

    Automatic NT Security allows administrators to easily import a current NT user into VisNetic MailFlow. Users can then use their domain password to log in to VisNetic MailFlow, eliminating the need for additional passwords.

    Support for SSL encryption keeps every message between Agents and customers secure and confidential. By using SSL, there is no fear of critical network data sent by customers being stolen across the Internet.

    Tickets can be sorted based on priority, helping facilitate efficient priority-based responses from Agents to customers.

    Included in VisNetic MailFlow in an integrated spell checker. Agents can quickly check outbound messages for accuracy without having to use a separate application. Precise messages foster stronger confidence from customers about the support provided by a company.

    VisNetic MailFlow provides the ability to run multiple MailFlow instances against a single database. This allows users to distribute the MailFlow workload across multiple servers, providing increased stability, scalability and security. By employing load balancing you will immediately see improved performance and speed, a more stable MailFlow environment and you will “future proof” your MailFlow installation, ensuring that no matter how much your email traffic increases or your company grows, MailFlow will be able to accommodate your requirements.

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